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ABS workout

The Best Ab Workouts for Each and Everyone

What you need to do to get six-pack abs is simple: conduct stomach workouts and eat a nutrient-dense diet. This will help you cut down on the number of late-night pizzas you devour in a single sitting. In the odd event that you are forced to remove your shirt, the undisputed holy grail of male […]

Hamstring curls: Bending the legs while lying down on the trainer

Bending the legs lying down in the trainer also known as “Hamstring curls” will help to tighten and harden the leg muscles. There is a leg trainer in most gyms, and not only men, but also women like to work with it, which makes their legs become even more attractive and defined. The exercise is […]

delayed muscle

Delayed muscle pain

Here we are going to discuss the dreaded DOMs “Delayed Onset of Muscle pain” and how we can overcome this thorn in the side for many athletes and gym users. So you have completed a great strength training session and drank some protein. You felt that the muscles were “hammered” within your training and are […]

isolation exercise

Basic and isolation exercises

Many people have probably heard such names of exercises as “basic” and “isolating” but at the same time they have no idea what is hidden behind these terms. It often seems to novice athletes that these words are complex terminology used in the field of bodybuilding, but in fact there is nothing complicated in these […]

The Arnold Press and the Best Deltoid Exercises for Bodybuilders

It is difficult to secure something original and difficult to come up with something new in the realm of fitness and bodybuilding; sometimes, exercises are similar or overlap with one other. However, Arnold Schwarzenegger is the man who was successful in inventing his own exercise. Learn about the Trenbolone acetate cycle here. Arnold Schwarzenegger, a […]

Steroids for sale in Los Angeles

Steroids for Sale in Los Angeles

The demand for anabolic steroids is increasing quickly in the United States and around the world. Most sportsmen have a steroid seller from whom they buy their steroids on a regular basis. That may be a dealer they met at the gym, an online merchant, or their next-door neighbor. However, be careful where you buy […]

Steroid cycles for women and how to keep a womanly figure when doing so

In this article we are going to explain to women why they don’t have to be worried about turning into a man when choosing to take steroids.  I have seen women in the gym working their asses off, training 5 days a week and staying exactly the same.  With a little tweak of their diet […]

Boosting Immunity with Anabolic Steroids: The fight against viruses & infections

Anabolic steroids are highly beneficial to athletes and bodybuilders that want to build muscle, but how many people know that steroids have been used for years to treat certain medical conditions. An anabolic steroid is a substance that has a similar action to that of the male hormone testosterone. These types of drugs help underweight […]

Keeping Antibiotics on Hand

What exactly are antibiotics?  They are medicines that help stop infections caused by bacteria. They do this by killing the bacteria or by keeping them from copying themselves or reproducing.  The word antibiotic means “against life.” Any drug that kills germs in your body is technically an antibiotic. But most people use the term when […]

20-Minute Muscle Attack

Fitness at home while quarantine pt. 4: 20-Minute Muscle Attack

Today we are posting chapter 4 from our “Fitness and social distancing” series (part 1, part 2, part 3 are here). We hope you will stay active and this will boost your immune system and this period will pass you by without any damage. Our 20-minute workout can be done anywhere in your house.  From […]


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